Opening Vietnam Renewable Energy Week 2019

The event was co-organized by the Vietnam Sustainable Energy Alliance (VSEA), Vietnam Coalition for Climate Action (VCCA) and Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) on 17 September 2019, in Hanoi. The Renewable Energy Week will take place from 17 to 20 September 2019, in Hanoi city and An Giang province.

In 2019, the Renewable Energy Week focuses on the theme "Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities, challenges and experiences from the world". 

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Pham Ngoc Linh, Head of Department of Science, Technology and Environment (Central Propaganda and Education Department) said: “In the context of climate change causing a negative impact around the world, Vietnam faces a challenge of seeking for new energy sources.  Renewable Energy is the energy source for the near future, which can gradually replace traditional power sources. Since 2017, the Government has issued many incentive policies to develop renewable energy to boost production and attract domestic and foreign investment inflows”

Overview of the opening ceremony of Vietnam Renewable Energy Week 2019. Photo: Ng.Tuan

In only two years, the proportion of renewable energy in the national electricity structure has increased rapidly, from negligible figure to more than 9% with two main sources of wind power and solar power. These are positive changes demonstrating the recognized efforts made by the people and the government in reducing their reliance on traditional forms of energy to protect the environment for Vietnam’s sustainable development.

According to Ms. Nguy Thi Khanh, Director of Green Innovation Development Center (GreenID) – VSEA coordinating agency: “As a country with diversified and abundant renewable energy potentials, Vietnam will have many benefits when early shifting to developing clean energy. Priority given to the efficient use of energy and promoting the development of renewable energy will help ensure energy security, reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels, reduce pollution and protect our climate and public health”

For ensuring equitable energy transition and harmonizing the interests of the related stakeholders, it is necessary to enhance discussion, information, solution and experience sharing among the countries and localities and work together to handle difficulties and pave a way for bringing clean energy to each Vietnamese household.  

In the series of events in Hanoi, there will be talks and seminars organized, with the topics as: Energy transition in Vietnam; Mobilizing the benefits of solutions for impact mitigation on climate change from renewable energy; Green Finance seminar for renewable energy in Industry in Vietnam. The seminar regarding "Sustainable energy transition: Opportunities and challenges for the Mekong Delta" will be organized on 20 September 2019 in Long Xuyen city, An Giang Province.

  • 18/09/2019 03:25
  • 1515